The Madison Township - Gibsonburg Volunteer Fire Department is one of the best departments in the area and the men and women associated with the department are proud to represent it. Below, you will find a brief history of our organization, information on our current operations and acknowledgements to the personnel who serve the department and their community.
The department was established for the purpose of fire protection in February of 1898 after the village suffered devastating fires in 1895 and 1897, damaging and destroying several businesses. The first equipment, hoses, cart and rubber coats were ordered within a month of the department being formed. Initially, the village was divided into three districts with a trustee overseeing operations in each of these districts and reporting to the fire chief. Originally the department was for Gibsonburg only, but today it is run by the Madison Township Trustees and has entered into an agreement to protect both the village and township with the trustees providing funding.
Since the fire department's beginning, fund raising in the form of suppers, plays and ice cream socials were an important source of money for the purchase of new equipment. Today, the department continues fund raising efforts through events such as chicken bbq's, reverse raffles and participation in the Gibsonburg Homecoming event. GVFD Inc., a non profit organization, has also been created to provide financial support to the department.
The department purchased its first truck, a Ford Model T chemical truck in 1918 and equipment has continually modernized. The method of alerting the firemen to an emergency has also changed over the years from a very loud community whistle to the use of an individual pager system. Today's department is equipped with two engines (pumpers), water tanker, grass fighter, responder truck, air trailer and a rescue boat. Specialty equipment includes Jaws of Life, rescue air bags, thermal imaging devices, multi gas monitors, self contained breathing apparatuses and spare breathing air cylinders.
The department joined the Northwest Ohio Volunteer Fireman's Association in June of 1898 and has played a very active role in the organization ever since including hosting the annual convention in 1932, 1982, 1987 and 2018.
Currently, GVFD consists of a Chief, Assistant Chief,Captain, 7 Lieutenants and 50 Firefighters including an ever changing roster of Jr. Firefighters. The department on average responds to between 120 and 150 calls annually for fire, rescue, EMS and public service. The area covered is about 27 square miles including residential, commercial, industrial and rural farm properties. The department also participates in a mutual aid pact through the Sandusky County Firemen’s Association which insures back-up response in the event of a large-scale emergency. Many safety standards in effect require a large response for seemingly small fires. This helps the citizens and protects the firefighters.
GVFD maintains an interoperable communications system with all fire departments throughout Sandusky County and the surrounding area. In addition to maintaining base radio communications at the fire station, voice pagers for all members, inner department cell phone alerts, response tracking, with messaging, primary and secondary communication mobile radios in all trucks, and twenty-one portable radios are utilized by the department.
The Village has an ISO class of 5 and is constantly making efforts to lower it. This helps to reduce fire insurance rates. The Sandusky County 911 Center provides emergency dispatching 24 hours a day and insures that an appropriate response is made to any emergency.
GVFD also has access to the shared countywide resources, such as the Fire Investigation Team and Hazardous Material Team. Emergency medical services are provided by Sandusky County. Station # 14, which is 1.5 miles from the fire station, is staffed with highly skilled paramedics on a 24 hour basis. Four other emergency medical stations are strategically located throughout the county.
Your department provides many other services – Fire Prevention, Public Education, Safety Inspection, and speakers, if requested, for many special topics. For additional information you can call (419) 637-2160.
The volunteers that make up the local fire service take a great deal of pride in their contribution toward keeping the Village of Gibsonburg a safe community!
GVFD Officers
Martin Brown
Tom Stoudinger
Assistant Chief
Eric Arquette
John Rupke
1st Lieutenant
Robert Groweg
2nd Lieutenant
Dan Herman
3rd Lieutenant
Mark Widmer
4th Lieutenant
Matt Brown
5th Lieutenant
Jeff Herman Jr.
6th Lieutenant
Tom Fought
7th Lieutenant
GVFD Firefighters
Jeff Herman
Firefighter 2 - EMT - Hazmat
Michael Jividen
Firefighter - Hazmat
Tyler Hoffman
Firefighter - Hazmat
Gary Dawson
Nathan Shammo
Zack Herman
Firefighter - EMT
Dalton Diels
Firefighter 2 - EMT - Hazmat
Megan Bowen
Manuel Salazar
Scott Gordon
Firefighter - Hazmat
Aron Burmeister
Firefighter - Hazmat
Andrew Schroeder
Firefighter - EMR - Hazmat
Gavin Rubel
Firefighter - Hazmat
Jacob Hostottle
Firefighter - Hazmat
Chase Liskai
Aaron Novotny
Dean Anstead
Firefighter - Hazmat
Brad Krotzer
Firefighter 2 - EMT - Hazmat
Tom Sparagowski
Firefighter - EMR - Hazmat
AJ Blausey
Firefighter - Hazmat
Arik Webb
Firefighter - EMR - Hazmat
Andy Diels
Firefighter 1 - Hazmat
Ryan Novotny
Joseph Walkowiak
Joe Lewandowski
Firefighter - Hazmat
Nick Walby
Firefighter - Hazmat
Steve Binder
Firefighter - EMT - Hazmat
Dan Slack
Firefighter - Hazmat
Ty Linton
Firefighter - EMR - Hazmat
Larkin Anstead
Kyle Piotrowski
Sean Strickler
GVFD Junior Firefighters
Logan Hausman
Junior Firefighter
Jacob Groweg
Junior Firefighter
Shane Groweg
Junior Firefighter
Tyler Hostottle
Junior Firefighter
Logan Turner
Junior Firefighter
Kayla Quaintance
Junior Firefighter
GVFD Non Active Life Members
Ron Davis
Life Member
Cliff Stahl
Life Member
Lamar Aldrich
Life Member
Rick Arquette
Life Member
Jim Ritterbach
Life Member
Glynn Ritchie
Life Member
Kevin Fox
Life Member
Jim Krotzer
Life Member
Tom Crone
Life Member
Steve Bowser
Life Member
Mark Kirsch
Life Member
Tom Samson
Life Member
Steve Gruner
Life Member
Frank Bracken
Life Member
Mike Jividen
Life Member
Jim Heinze
Life Member
In Memoriam
Eddie Bauer
Chief - Life Member
Jim Ruggiero
Life Member
GVFD Honorary Members
Ladd Beck
Honorary Member
Charlie Nopper
Honorary Member
Bill Randolph
Honorary Member
Kate Melchor
Honorary Member
Lamar Conger
Honorary Member
John Picciuto
Honorary Member
Farnham Randolph
Honorary Member
Jon Younker
Honorary Member
James Deninger
Honorary Member
Alice Shammo
Honorary Member
Mark Gruner
Honorary Member
Barb Aldrich
Honorary Member
Jeff Lemke
Honorary Member
Mike Warren
Honorary Member
Al Melchor
Honorary Member